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Swamp Nights

The latest album by Ceeeee

Now Available on Spotify, Bandcamp, and some other sites!

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Boy Lunch

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Boy Lunch

Boy lunch He's putting bacon on a plate He's making boy lunch Using the microwave He's making boy lunch Mountain dew and frozen grapes He's making boy lunch Leftovers they taste great He's making boy lunch Boy lunch is all he needs He's making boy lunch Its a simple recipe Its dinner Yeah you know has just a boy Ran out of plates and silverware Butter chicken Mango lassi it tastes great Delivery is never late Hess making boy lunch Boy lunch is all he needs Hess making boy lunch Its a simple recipe

Swamp Nights

Do you think these swamp nights Are the only thing you can see? Can you feel the way your mind Controls your body I'm thinking of you Are you thinking of me I'm only thinking of me I tried to go by the book But this place couldn't read The damned mountains overlook These swamp memories It might be hard to be you Its not hard for me Try to close the book Leave the swampland to be

Interlude (Swamp Nights Fucking Sucks)

I've been thinking a lot about how posting music online is different than posting, like, visual art. I think its annoying how people are exposed to "bad art" all the time like I can pull out a piece of paper and draw a stick person or a weird dog and post it on the internet and people will be like "haha nice" but its rare for someone to just whip up a silly little song and post it online The average person isn't really exposed to "bad music", you're surrounded by high quality, fully produced music all day long. So when i make a song and i know its bad and i post it online and say "this is bad, but check it out", people will be like "no its great, wow, you did such a good job" because they expected something good and they think that i think its good and I'm just saying its bad because I'm not confident? and they don't want to let me down by saying "swamp nights fucking sucks" And its like... I know its bad This is Swamp Nights. Album of the year, every year. So what I really want is for you to send me a message saying "swamp nights fucking sucks" because you don't need to tell me how- you don't need to pretend. tell me it sucks! the only thing i care about is if you listened to it. Don't make something up, tell me it sucks

I'm Cracked

("flight crew please prepare for departure") I’m cracked I’m better than you at everything Ive got more money in the bank And I’m the best At writing music and playing games Driving cars and taking names And hanging out with my dog And vibing I'm cracked Like literally the greatest Everything comes easy I'm just built different I'm fucking sick I'm building shit Creating art And not even trying that hard And I hope You Don’t think you’re as good as me Because you’re wrong Im cracked Im cracked as hell Im so fucking im fucking im fucking cracked Im the greatest Im the greatest ("on behalf of the flight crew, I'd like to welcome you to your destination, and have a great stay")


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I'm capable I'm inspired I'm thin I'm rich I'm happy I'm free and I'm alive